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PHP Tutorial

What is PHP? PHP is an open-supply, interpreted, and object-oriented scripting language that can be implemented in server-like terms. It is well suited for the development of the Internet. The development of net applications (a utility that runs on the server and generates the dynamic page) is therefore widely used. It was founded by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 but in 1995 it appeared on the marketplace. PHP 7.4.0 is the modern version of PHP, released on November 28th. Many important points related to PHP are as follows: PHP stands for Preprocessor in Hypertext. It is an interpreted language, i.e., the compilation will not be needed. It is faster than other scripting languages, such as ASP and JSP, for example. It is a scripting language on the server-side that is used to handle the website's dynamic content. This may be used in HTML. It is a language-oriented towards artifacts. It is the language of open-supply scripting. Examining the language is facile...

Codeigniter Tutorial for Beginners

Are you looking for a full CodeIgniter tutorial for the beginners? If so, then this article is designed for beginners and professionals! We are going to show you how to install, configure, and use CodeIgniter to create a PHP web app. This CodeIgniter tutorial will help beginners to become experts in CodeIgniter. Our step by step CodeIgniter tutorial for beginners helps web developers to learn quickly and easily. In this tutorial, we will focus on the following topics for Beginners-   Basic Configuration & Setup.   Model, View creation, and Controller.   Performing basic database queries using Query Builder. Configuration & Setup:  Download from the official site the most recent version of the CodeIgniter framework.  Extract the zip file and rename the folder with the application name you want (for example, " CodeIgniter").  Upload the whole " CodeIgniter/" folder (localhost server) to your server. Controller ...

C Tutorial

Why C is Popular? It revolutionized the hegemony of science and technology after Unix's founding, due to the introduction of the C language. C's diverse features make it famous. Every programmer or software developer in today's world who has accomplished milestones in his life is extremely familiar with the C programming concept. It is not only a basic term but in essence, it is also permissive. It helps the user to manage program memory, as it provides the dynamic memory allocation function which makes it much faster than the other language. Each machine literate is aware of the word "C Programming" today. Features of the C Language It is well-known that C is a very basic and commonly used programming language, it is used primarily to create computer-based applications. The other programming languages were derived from C programming principles explicitly or indirectly, In this C Tutorial , there are some of the features of C language that distinguis...

Role of voice search in SEO

What Is Voice Search?   Voice search basically encourages users to speak to a machine as opposed to typing keywords into an application form to obtain information. This algorithm consumes the voice command of the user, searches for the queries and presents relevant data. It also allows the user to have multiple collaborative sessions that allow the software to explain their request. The method is generally easy - it searches online by voice input as opposed to writing it on an inquiry counter. The difference lies in how users structure a quest. Let's say you're residing in the Santa Monica and looking to find a cake shop that's based on birthday cakes; if you're typing on Google, you'd probably put in the term "Santa Monica famous birthday cake bakeries," but if you're using it, you're going to say something more communicative like "Hey, Google, guide me to the closest bridecake shop." Voice Quest, at its very...

Java Projects Free Download

Java Projects I will discuss with you in this blog post how and when to build java project. You'll also understand how to assemble your design into a simple file with all the required modules, and run your java program in the monitor window via the interface. Because it is known for its rich database, which is usually a lot of task for the programmer, young or emerging engineers are often looking for Java technology. Here we include some of the basic internet technology field activities where solution not only gives an understanding of complex java projects but also offers new thinking for the development of different logics. Here this software passage the platform offers a free download of Java projects with source code for specialized field students who either pursue bachelor's or master's degrees. Such ventures are in working condition and thus one can also use them directly in your industry work. While some set of necessary changes such as emblem, addres...

Laravel Migration

laravel Introduction Migration is like an update assurance for your software, allowing the team to quickly change and distribute the software scheme for the application. Usually, migrations are combined with Laravel's schema builder to quickly construct the database schema for your query. If you have ever had to tell a colleague to connect a column individually to their regional database schema, you've faced the issue of database migration solve The Laravel Schema framework offers agnostic support for the database to build and modify tables across all Laravel's supported database systems. Generating Migrations To create a migration, here we will use the make: migration Artisan command: PHP artisan make: migration message_you_want_to_remember Place the latest transfer in your application/migrations folder. Which name of the transfer file includes a timestamp allowing Laravel to decide the migration order. The terms —table and —create can...

PHP Tutorial

PHP Tutorial for Beginners Learn PHP step by step PHP is the most common scripting language on the server-side used to build dynamic web pages. It stands for Preprocessor in Hypertext and it is an open-source server-side scripting language that is very common and widely used for writing dynamically generated web pages. It was originally developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf and classified initially as Personal Home Page. Its functions are performed on the server and the outputs are sent as standard HTML to the internet browser. It can be built into the number of popular databases, including Mysql, Mssql, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, etc. What You Can Do with PHP There are a lot more things you can do with it            You can continuously generate several websites as well as the files.               On the server, you can establish, enable, read, write, and close files.    ...