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NodeJS Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will create a Node-powered blog. On the back end, js is used, on the front end, Bootstrap is used, and the data store is MongoDB. We'll start from scratch and work our way through the project one step at a time. We'll look at how to get all of the packages we'll need into Node to build the blog. Express, Bcrypt, nodemon, express-edge, mongoose, body-parser, express-file upload, and express-session are a few examples. In the index.js file, we'll start with basic routes and gradually transition the application into a Model View Controller architecture. Let's get this party started. What is Node.js? Many newcomers to Node are perplexed because they don't understand what it is. The description on is certainly insufficient. It is critical to understand that Node is not a webserver. It has no effect on its own. It does not function in the same way as Apache. There is no configuration file in which you can point it to your HTML files. Yo...