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Showing posts with the label jquery tutorial for beginners

jQuery Tutorial

jQuery is a feature-rich, quick, and lightweight JavaScript library built on the concept of "write less, do more." Its straightforward APIs make tasks like HTML document crawling and modification, event handling, and adding animation effects to a web page much easier, and it works across all major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and others. jQuery also allows you to quickly and easily develop an Ajax-based application. jQuery is used by big corporations like Google, Microsoft, and IBM in their applications. So now you have a good idea of how popular and strong jQuery is. In early 2006, John Resig created jQuery for the first time. As an open-source project, the jQuery project is currently administered and maintained by a scattered group of developers. What jQuery Can Do for You There's so much more you can do with jQuery. You can easily manipulate items by selecting them. You can quickly construct effects such as showing or hiding components, ...

JQuery Tutorial

The core functionality of jQuery contains a plethora of interesting features to investigate. jQuery allows you to manipulate HTML elements, navigate the document, add event listeners (for example, when you click on an element), and perform AJAX requests and effects. Don't worry if you don't know what jQuery is or if some of these terms are unfamiliar to you; we'll go over some of these concepts further down. The Basics JavaScript is used to add interactivity to a website's front end. Behavior is a term that is frequently used to describe this type of interactivity on a website. Because JavaScript behaves differently in each browser, people use jQuery, a JavaScript framework, to smooth out some of the inconsistencies. A framework can save us time because the code we'd like to use in many of our projects has already been written in the framework, often by a developer or developers with years of experience. To incorporate jQuery into your project, go to ...